Genealogy Made Easier
Guidance for Your Family History Search

What To Backup

Digital Files - Photos - Favorites - Letters

What to backup in genealogy - everything! Here are some things you might never have thought of, but which would cause you great anguish if you lost them.

Old family gathering
Old family gathering

What to backup can be answered by looking at the many different areas of genealogy information you have gathered.

You can think of backing up as making a copy of your information. This might include photocopies of data you have on paper, scans of photographs, duplicate computer files of all your digital materials.

You copy your data files. These are the files your software creates to store the data you enter into the program. This may be a single file for each family file you create. More often, however, there is more than one file and unless you get all of them, you may not be able to recover your data.

You may need to open your genealogical program's documentation, whether it is in online help or a printed manual. You are looking at what to backup from all the program files so find the names and locations of all your data files.

Don't forget about other key files that you need to include beyond just the program database files. These might include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

Don't risk the loss of all this data forever because of a computer failure or worse. Especially, do not get caught by a loss of data simply because you did not understand what to backup.

When do you need to copy your data?

How do you perform a complete copy?

Where do you keep the files once you have copied all your genealogy data?

How long do you keep your copies?

Be Sure to Backup All Your Genealogy Research Files

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