Genealogy Made Easier
Guidance for Your Family History Search

Family Tree Programs and Your Choices

You Will Live With Your Choice - Good or Bad!

Many family tree programs exist, so your big decision is which one of the many is best-suited for you in your situation. You need to consider several things before choosing. Here's help for you.

Taking pictures in 193x
My grandmother and friend taking pictures in 1937

Your choice of the family tree software you wish to use will depend first on the type of computer and operating system you are running - is it a PC running Microsoft Windows, or is it a Macintosh running the Apple Operating System? Most of the programs available are written to run on only one of these machines.

Your next decision may depend on how comfortable you are with computers at all.

Some of these programs are complex and can require some experience with using computers, while others are very simple.

The flip of that is that the very beginning programs, those requiring the least computer savvy, are also usually limited in the capabilities they have.

Some of the more full-featured programs will take you a while to learn and feel very comfortable with, but they have all the power and features you will ever want.

Here are some things to consider before you choose a family tree program for your own use.

Below you will find links to pages containing information about many of the more popular programs available. Investigate them to help you decide which program is best for you.

Family History Programs for Windows

Here are some of the genealogy programs available for those of you using PCs running Windows.

Here are some of the genealogy programs available for those of you running IOS - MacBooks, iPads, etc.

Investigate Well - Make Good Choices

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