Genealogy Made Easier
Guidance for Your Family History Search

Do Not Forget A Marriage Record Search for Your Ancestors

Where and When Were They Married?

A marriage record search may provide you with information you may never have known about your ancestors and their families. Do not neglect such a search of marriage records where your ancestors resided.

Lots of Scottie dogs!
Mom and a handful of Scotties 1974

You have probably thought of searching for the record of marriage of your ancestors, in whatever form it may exist. But have you thought about what other information may be found in your marriage record search besides just the date and place the marriage occurred?

In the Ontario marriage registrations as an example, the following information was requested to be filed along with the date and place of the marriage:

In later times in Ontario, the following items were also asked at various times: As you can see in the case of Ontario marriages which were required to be registered beginning in 1869, there is a great deal of information about the bride and groom, their families, their location in Ontario, professions, and religions of the two parties in the marriage.

Why is this important to you?

A marriage record search may give you clues and leads for further research especially to locations. For instance, if the marriage took place in Simcoe in southwestern Ontario, but your ancestor was born and resided in eastern Ontario near Ottawa, it probably means that your ancestor's bride was from southwestern Ontario. It can then lead you to search further in the records of all types for that area of Ontario for other happenings to this family, such as births, deaths, business information, and so on.

Sometimes our research is too narrow. You look only where you know the family originally settled, and where the older generation died and was buried. But even a century ago, there was considerable relocation of some family members to other areas of the state or province, the country, or even to another country, Do not dismiss such in your family out of hand, or you could miss some great opportunities to find additional information about the family.

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