Genealogy Made Easier
Guidance for Your Family History Search

Family History Stories

Letters - Family Bibles - Old Photos

Family history stories make your family come alive and add interest to your family tree! You may have a treasure trove if you have letters, family bibles or photographs passed down to you. Don't stop with dates only

So much of what you find in your research in genealogy involves dry facts and dates, that when you have a chance to flesh out your ancestors into real people beyond those facts do so!

Personal information about your ancestors can be found in many places, even in boxes or old trunks in your home. There are all sorts of different types of resources that provide the personal touch.

Some family stories may be stored in your attic, or at the home of a cousin. Mostly these items are hidden from your daily view, and it is very easy to forget you have them, or remember that they could provide you with important details about the lives of your ancestors.

Some stories involve contacting groups that may or may not still exist. In the latter case, you will have to try to research their resources, once you can find them.

Some require talking to living relatives who may have family stories about other relatives, and would love to tell their stories if you would but ask them!

Personal information about your ancestors should never be dismissed. At the very least, it fills in the grey areas around the dates and places.

Amidst the Facts - Remember the Personal

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