One day you read an article that makes the light bulb go off in your head - "That's it. I never thought of that route to find her. Let me go try that right away."
So you try what you read, looked in that one resource you had never thought about, followed a different approach - and it worked!!
Remember how ecstatic you were? Remember how it was like a long-carried weight removed from your shoulders!
Remember how grateful you were for the writer of that article which finally set you on the path to success in your long quest?
Here's your chance to help someone else have those feelings - simply by sharing your story of success. Telling others of what worked for you that maybe will also help them.
This page is where you can share your finds with others. Help them out - and maybe, in return, read a story from someone else that helps you further along your search.
We all know that a family tree is never done - so the more we share here the more we all gain.
Add your story below - a minimum of 300 words please.Do you have a great story about "doing your family tree"? Share it here!
It may help someone else immensely in their family search - and you may get information from somebody posting on here that solves that nagging problem you have.
We are stronger together than we are individually. Sharing, helping and being helped are some of our favorite things!
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