Genealogy Made Easier
Guidance for Your Family History Search

Resources for Your Genealogy Research in Alberta

Where to Look? How to Find It?

There are many places to search for answers to your Alberta genealogy questions. If you know what is available, you can make much better use of your time and effort in finding out all you can about your Canadian ancestors in Alberta. Here is where to start some of your searching.

Alberta provincial flag
Alberta provincial flag

We have gathered together lists of those resources we are aware of for the most common resources, and also some of the less common places to look for information about your family. So, help yourself to the information below, and go hunting.

The Provincial Archives of Alberta is a "rich and vast resource for professional and amateur genealogists looking to trace an Albertan family history". It is certainly worth looking at this genealogist page for further resources.

The Alberta Genealogical Society makes available both links to other sites containing genealogical data and copies of some original works. It is well worth some time.

Alberta map Alberta map

Here is the Alberta Service, a government department responsible for Alberta Vital Statistics. This is a page for genealogists looking for vital records information.

Here is the LDS Wiki page for Alberta genealogy information. Be aware that the Wiki pages for Canadian provinces are still very thin in information.

The Canada GenWeb project has specific provincial projects as part of it. Here is the Alberta GenWeb site.

It Helps When You Know Where to Look!

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