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1926 Canada Census Questions

Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba

The 1926 census was the eleventh census for Manitoba and the fifth census for the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta. The census officially began as of June 1, 1926.

There were 55 commissioners appointed to coordinate the census effort across 54 districts divided into 3661 sub-districts or enumeration areas. As a rule, each district was under the supervision of one commissioner except for the Peace River District, which had two commissioners, one for the North and one for the South. The district was split into two sections owing to its size, widely dispersed population and difficulties in traveling through the district.

In all, 2693 enumerators, including 58 Indian agents and 22 members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, visited each of the districts and enumeration units.

The enumerators collected information for 2,067,393 individuals distributed across three provinces as follows:

Column Question
Number in the order of visitation (1 - 2)
1 Dwelling house
2 Family, household or institution
3 Name of each person in family, household or institution
Place of abode (4 - 8)
In rural localities, give parish or section, township, range and meridian. In cities, towns and villages, use space in columns 4, 5, 6 and 7 to write name of street and number of dwelling
4 Section
5 Township
6 Range
7 Meridian
8 Municipality (This may be urban or rural.)
9 Relationship to head of family or household
10 Sex
11 Single, married, widowed, divorced or legally separated
12 Age at last birthday
Place of birth (13 - 15)
13 Person
14 Father
15 Mother
16 Racial or tribal origin
17 Year of immigration to Canada
18 Year of naturalization
19 Citizenship
20 Can speak English
21 Can speak French
22 Mother tongue
23 Can read
24 Can write
25 Months at school since September 1, 1925

To save an Adobe Acrobat copy of the 1926 Canada census questions questions click here. Use the back arrow to return here after the download.

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