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1861 Prince Edward Island Canada Census Questions

The 1861 Prince Edward Island Canada census was a head of household census only. In other words, the only names listed are for the head of the household, and all others are included in counts of the various information requested. It covered what is now the entire province of Prince Edward Island although it was a British colony in 1861.

These were the questions asked by the enumerator.

Column Question
1 Name of City, Town, Township or Royalty
2 Name of head of each family
3 Trade, Profession or Occupation
Males (4-9)
4 Under 5 years of age
5 From 5 to 16
6 From 16 to 21
7 From 21 to 45
8 From 45 to 60
9 Upwards of 60
Females (10-15)
10 Under 5 years of age
11 From 5 to 16
12 From 16 to 21
13 From 21 to 45
14 From 45 to 60
15 Upwards of 60
16 Number of deaf and dumb in each family
17 Number of blind in each family
18 Number who have not been vaccinated or had the smallpox in each family
19 Total number in each family (including servants and apprentices)
20 Number of married persons in each family
21 Number of single persons in each family
22 Number of insane in each family
23 Number of your family married in the past year
24 Number of deaths in your family in the past year
25 Number of births in your family in the past year
Indians (26-27)
26 Males in each family
27 Females in each family
28 Number of persons in each family in connection with the Church of England
29 Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces
30 Kirk of Scotland
31 Number of Roman Catholics in each family
32 Number of Methodist in each family
33 Number of Baptists in each family
34 Number of Bible Christians in each family
35 Number of Quakers in each family
36 Number of Universalists in each family
37 Number of each family in any other denomination
38 Number of acres held by each family by fee simple
39 Number of acres held by each family by leasehold or by agreement for lease
40 Number of acres held by each family by verbal agreement
41 Number of acres held by each family or occupants being neither freeholders nor tenants
42 Number of years of term of lease
43 Number of years of term of lease expired
Amount of rent paid by each family (44-49)
44 Present rent paid by each family per acre
45 Proprietor's name
46 Increasing rent per acre
47 Full rent, and what year it comes to full rent
48 Rent in sterling
49 Rent in currency

To save an Adobe Acrobat copy of the 1861 Prince Edward Island Canada Census questions click here. Use the back arrow to return here after the download.

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