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1851 Nova Scotia Canada Census Questions

The 1851 Nova Scotia Canada Census was a head of household census only so the only names were those persons who headed a household. The other members of the household were only counted in the various age groups, and their names never appeared in the census.

Enumerators asked the following questions in the 1851 Nova Scotia Canada census.

Column Question
1 Heads of Families
Buildings (2-6)
2 Number of inhabited houses
3 By how many families inhabited
4 Number of houses now building
5 Number of uninhabited houses
6 Number of Stores, Barns, and Outhouses
Inhabitants of various ages (7-18)
7 Number under 10 years of age - males
8 Number under 10 years of age - females
9 From 10 to 20 years of age - males
10 From 10 to 20 years of age - females
11 From 20 to 30 years of age - males
12 From 20 to 30 years of age - females
13 From 30 to 40 years of age - males
14 From 30 to 40 years of age - females
15 From 40 to 50 years of age - males
16 From 40 to 50 years of age - females
17 Above 50 years of age - males
18 Above 50 years of age - females
19 Number of married persons of both sexes
20 Number of Widowers
21 Number of Widows
22 Number of Rate Payers
23 Number of Paupers
Deaf and Dumb (24-25)
24 Males
25 Females
Blind (26-27)
26 Males
27 Females
Lunatics (28-29)
28 Males
29 Females
Idiots (30-31)
30 Males
31 Females
Indians (32-33)
32 Males, including children
33 Females, including children
Colored Persons (34-35)
34 Males, including children
35 Females, including children
Assessments (36-39)
36 Amount of Assessment for County Rates
37 Amount of Assessment for Poor Rates
38 Highest Rate for Poor and County
39 Lowest Rate for Poor and County
Value of Property (40-42)
40 Assessed Value of Real Estate
41 Probable Value of Real Estate
42 Assessed Value of Personal Estate
Births, Deaths and Marriages (43-45)
43 Number of Births the preceding year
44 Number of Deaths the preceding year
45 Number of Marriages the preceding year
Numbers engaged in various Occupations (46-54)
46 Number of Clergymen or Ministers
47 Number of Doctors
48 Number of Farmers
49 Number of Mechanics
50 Number of Merchants and Traders
51 Number of Persons engaged in the Fisheries
52 Number of Seamen Registered
53 Number of Persons employed at Sea
54 Number of Persons engaged in Lumbering
Places of Worship (55-56)
55 Number of Churches and Places of Worship
56 Denomination
Improved Land (57-59)
57 Number of Acres of Dyke Land
58 Average Value
59 Number of Acres of Other Improved Land
60 Number of schools in District
61 Number of children attending schools
Numbers of various Religious Denominations (62-74)
62 Church of England
63 Catholics
64 Kirk of Scotland
65 Free Church
66 Presbyterian Church of N S
67 Baptists
68 Methodists
69 Congregationalists
70 Universalists
71 Lutherans
72 Sandemanians
73 Quakers
74 Other Denominations
Agricultural Produce (75-86)
75 Number of tons of Hay cut
76 Number of bushels of Wheat raised
77 Number of bushels of Barley raised
78 Number of bushels of Rye raised
79 Number of bushels of Oats raised
80 Number of bushels of Buckwheat raised
81 Number of bushels of Indian Corn raised
82 Number of bushels of Peas and Beans raised
83 Number of bushels of Timothy and Clover seed raised
84 Number of bushels of Potatoes raised
85 Number of bushels of Turnips raised
86 Number of bushels of other Root Crops raised
Agricultural Livestock (87-91)
87 Number of Neat Cattle
88 Number of Milch Cows
89 Number of Horses
90 Number of Sheep
91 Number of Swine
Fisheries (92-107)
92 Number of Vessels engaged in the Fisheries
93 Number of Men on Board
94 Amount of Tonnage engaged in the Fisheries
95 Number of Boats engaged in the Fisheries
96 Number of Men on Board
97 Number of Nets and Seines
98 Quantity of Dry Fish cured
99 Quantity of Salmon caught and cured
100 Quantity of Shad caught and cured
101 Quantity of Smoked Herring caught and cured
102 Quantity of Mackeral caught and cured
103 Quantity of Herring caught and cured
104 Quantity of Alewives caught and cured
105 Value
106 Quantity of Fish Oil
107 Value
Mills and Factories (108-131)
108 Number of Saw Mills
109 Value
110 Number of Hands employed
111 Number of Grist Mills
112 Value
113 Number of Hands employed
114 Number of Tanneries
115 Value
116 Number of Hands employed
117 Number of Foundries
118 Value
119 Number of Hands employed
120 Number of Weaving and Carding Establishments
121 Value
122 Number of Hands employed
123 Number of Breweries and Distilleries
124 Value
125 Number of Hands employed
126 Number of Hand Looms
127 Value
128 Number of Other Factories
129 Value
130 Number of Hands employed
131 Number of Steam Mills or Factories
Articles Manufactured (132-162)
132 Number of yards of Fulled Cloth Manufactured last year
133 Number of yards of Cloth not Fulled
134 Number of Yards of Flannel
135 Value of Boots and Shoes Manufactured
136 Value of Leather Manufactured
137 Value of Candles Manufactured
138 Value of Soap Manufactured
139 Value of Agricultural Implements Manufactured
140 Value of Chairs and Cabinet Ware Manufactured
141 Value of Carriages Manufactured
142 Value of Other Wooden Ware Manufactured
143 Value of Iron Casting Manufactured
144 Quantity of Coal Raised
145 Quantity of Iron Smelted
146 Value
147 Number of Gallons of Mash Liquor Manufactured
148 Number of Gallons of Distilled Liquor Manufactured
149 Number of Casks of Lime Burnt
150 Value
151 Quantity of Bricks Manufactured
152 Value
153 Number of Grindstones Quarried
154 Value
155 Tons of Gypsum Quarried
156 Value
157 Quantity of Maple Sugar Manufactured
158 Quantity of Butter Manufactured
159 Quantity of Cheese Manufactured
160 Number of Vessels built
161 Tonnage
162 No of Boats built

To save an Adobe Acrobat copy of the 1851 Nova Scotia Canada census questions click here. Use the back arrow to return here after the download.

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